Our laboratory is open Monday to Thursday, 8am to 8pm and and 8am - 7pm on Fridays. Our clinics are closed on weekends and bank holidays.

Refer For a Blood Test

For patients

If you have seen your doctor and have been given a referral letter for a pathology test, attach a picture of the request form and

send it to our team on appointments@phoenixhospitalgroup.com. Alternatively, please call 020 8038 7178 (option 3).


If you haven't seen a doctor and would like to self-refer for a test, all results will need to be sent to our in-house GP prior to the

results being sent to you. Medical advice can be given to you if required. There may be a small charge for this service.

You can find our self-referral packages here.

For clinicians

If you wish to request a test for your patient and for them to attend our clinic for phlebotomy, please complete the request

form below and send it to appointments@phoenixhospitalgroup.com with your patient’s email and telephone number

One of our team will get in contact with the patient to book an appointment with our nurses.

If you wish to have a contract with us and to request regular sample pick-up at your practice, please email info@phoenixpathology.co.uk.

Sample collection

Please follow the link below for the sample collection guide, this document provides valuable information for clinics and

clinicians on how the tests should be taken in order to obtain the most accurate results.

Phoenix Pathology is scientifically led and equipped with the latest analysers, allowing us to provide accurate and fast results. All tests provided are enrolled in internationally recognised quality schemes.

For patients

For clinicians

Make an enquiry

Contact us

The laboratory is open

Monday - Thursday, 8am - 8pm

Friday 8am - 7pm

Our call centre is open weekdays, 8am - 6pm

Both our laboratory and call centre is closed on weekends and bank holidays.

E: appointments@phoenixhospitalgroup.com

T: 020 7079 2100

25 Harley Street, London, W1G 9QW

The laboratory is open Monday - Thursday, 8am - 8pm

Friday 8am - 7pm

Our call centre is open weekdays, 8am - 6pm

Both our laboratory and call centre is closed on weekends and bank holidays.

Phoenix Pathology is a trading name for 9 Harley Street LTD (company number 06396281). 

© All rights reserved | Phoenix Pathology is part of the Phoenix Hospital Group